stop the insanity (remember that?)

“I heard from another mom that the December SAT is easier.”
”My counselor says that juniors aren’t supposed to test until March.”
”If I haven’t started studying by 9th grade then I’ll never do well, I heard.”

These are literally quotes that I have heard from some of my students and parents, and all I can say, a la fitness guru Susan Powter from way back in the ‘90’s, is “STOP THE INSANITY.”

Seriously. There is no “easier” test date. If a test grades out as having more higher raw scores than usual (aka “easier”) then Collegeboard or ACT wnddle of the school musical that you’re a part of or the heart of basketball season or debate or whatever, then a fall or winter test might be better for you off taking an earlier or later test. And for the love of Pete, do not prep for a test before the summer AFTER 10th grade, at the absolute earliest. Just be a 9th grader. Or a 10th grader. Take hard classes that interest you. Join some clubs. Ride the bench at a sport you like Save the test prep for later.

So when should you test? When it’s right for you. If you are truly an advanced student who’s ALSO a test-taking savant, maybe prep for the October SAT in 11th grade. That way you’ll be ready for the PSAT that you’ll take a few weeks later at your school. Other than that, look at your calendar, look at the test calendars (here and here), and try to find a test and date that you can give yourself at least two months to prepare for. Think about how you want to prep- classes, online, independent, tutoring, etc., make a plan, and stick to it. (I wouldn’t plan for more than 3 months of prep. More isn’t always better, and more than that amount of time will lead to distraction, probably.)

There’s my two cents. So please- Stop the Insanity.